simple copywriting strategy

This simple copywriting strategy could add 10% or more to your bottom line in the next 3-6 months.

Today I want to talk to you about a conundrum we deal with in copywriting, selling and communicating in general…

It’s an invisible wall between you and the people who you want to do business with you…

And it can really hurt your conversion rates, sales and revenues without you ever knowing it.

Here’s what I mean…

Have you ever asked somebody for directions, and they start telling you, oh yeah, you go down elm street and turn right at Farnum’s gas station and then after that bend in the road you take the left at the old school yard, ya’ know, and…

And of course you still don’t have a clue where to go, because they’re telling you about all the landmarks they know from the time they were toddlers, but you’ve never seen before…

Well unfortunately, unless you really pay attention to this, that’s exactly how the people who you want to turn into customers see your emails and web pages and online ads…

Lemme show you how this this works with a little experiment you can try with me right now…

I’m gonna’ clap out a tune that I know you’ve heard before, and all you need to do is guess what the tune is…

Easy, right?

Okay, go along with me on this now, I promise it’ll be fun…

(Okay, here’s where you need to watch the video if you haven’t already.)

Did you get it?

Yes, of course you did!

No, you didn’t?

Well, don’t feel too bad if you didn’t…

Let Your Portfolio Do The Selling For You

Discover How to Consistently Win GREAT Clients
(Without Being Sneaky or Obnoxious)

Read “7 Easy Ways to Grow Your Copywriting Portfolio”

Back in 1990 a young lady earned her PhD playing this little game with a bunch of people and tabulating the results…

She paired up the subjects of her experiment so one was a clapper and the other was a listener…

And guess what she found…

When asked whether they thought the listeners would guess the tune they clapped out, more than half the clappers guessed yes, they would…

But guess how many of the listeners could actually guess…


Just 2%, when more than 50% of the clappers thought they had gotten their message across.

It’s the same thing with trying to woo new customers…

or trying to get existing customers to buy more, or stay with us as customers…

No wonder we’re not getting the ad response… the email open rates… the web conversions we want!

So, here’s one thing you can do…

A good first step is to build a customer persona, or avatar for each type of customer you want your business to serve…

But where you’ll really connect is by not just imagining who they are, but actually ASKING them how they feel… what they think… what they believe…

Give them a chance to participate in your surveys and reward them when they do…

Engage on social media…

When they respond, ask if they’d be willing to get on a quick Zoom call with them so you could learn more about their problems and preferences pertaining to your product or service…

Heck, take them out to lunch if you can…

AirBNB co-founder Brian Chesky did all this and more to scale his company to over 100 million users.

And if you REALLY want to find out what’s up, test lots of offers and watch what happens…

Let the data give you a picture of not just what they SAY… but what they actually DO.


Mike Connolly
Mike Connolly

Dan Kennedy Certified Copywriter for Info-Marketers and Infusionsoft Certified Partner, Mike Connolly lives in Boulder, Colorado, builds marketing funnels that rock, and loves cycling (almost) all year round.