Do you offer a high value service?

Buy Back Your Time With Copy That Sells

You are driven, focused and passionate about your business — Nobody understands your market quite like you do…

That means you're in charge of getting the right message to your prospects. Your business depends on you to get it right. But what do you say?  In which media?  When?  How often?  What kind of response should you expect?  Let us help...

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Ultimate Copywriting Resource Guide

Over 100 Satisfied Clients Including...

Copywriting that gets results you can bank on…

It gently, but firmly, draws people in… Changes perception... Dissolves objections... Provokes action...

To create customers these days, your marketing must make it all but impossible for your ideal prospect to pull his eyes and ears off your message. It MUST conjure up just the right emotion, melt resistance and make it so he cannot resist taking the next step in your funnel...

And that's where our results-driven direct response copywriting can help you unleash an avalanche of new business. Triggers of choice? Here are a few "must-haves" for today's competitive, techno-driven marketplace...

  • Sales Letters

    A compelling sales page, text-based or video, can have a huge impact on your revenues.

  • Compelling Emails

    A strong email sequence can drive serious opens, clicks and — most importantly… SALES!

  • Landing Pages

    A lead-capture page with the perfect headline and body copy helps you build an awesome list.

When you work with StrategiCopy, here's what you can expect...

Experience, Professionalism... Results.

If you have an amazing product or service that delivers excellent value to your customers...

It's our mission to help you get the word out, have an even greater impact... AND grow sales so you can earn the profits you deserve!

We're dedicated to providing you with results-driven, direct response copywriting for email, sales pages, video, websites, direct mail and social media that will take your business to the next level.

Boost Your Sales With Copy That Sells

Service that's reliable, honest and creative, yet above all, effective

StrategiCopy is all about RESULTS — And a smooth a ride (for YOU!) along the way

  • Work product delivered on time

    We respect your schedule. Once a project is agreed on and the advance paid for, you’ll receive a timeline you can count on.

  • Strategic brainstorming

    We care about your results and won’t hesitate to ask lots of questions, disagree with you and point out hidden opportunities.

  • No "Disappearing Acts"

    Ever had a freelancer go AWOL on you? Not here. We’re committed to the finish line and will keep you informed every step of the way.

  • In touch and available

    No need to call out the dogs every time you have a question. You can expect a response within 24-48 hours, and often sooner.

Ultmate Copywriting Resource Guide